Members of the real estate industry are always looking for tech tools that are so "game-changing" that it's worth taking that class or watching a tutorial on how to use them. And recently, Scout was listed as one of those "game-changing" tools by Inman!

We’ve all seen tech tools that promise the sun, moon and stars, but then just sorta — lay there. It’s bad enough when tech doesn’t deliver, but so much worse when it’s overly complicated and difficult to learn in the first place. Then you’ve invested time and money with nothing to show for it.
This week, we asked: Which tech tool is so good that it completely justified the time spent learning it? You had plenty of great suggestions to share. Whether it made your life easier, brought in more leads or otherwise revolutionized your business, these are the tech tools you rave about to friends and colleagues, despite the time commitment upfront.
We were blown away to find ourselves there, amongst names like Zillow and Instagram, and we don't take it lightly.
If you're interested in learning how Scout can help you save time and money and grow your business by:
- Helping you find your ideal customers or getting better insights into your existing ones
- Crafting personalized marketing or prospecting campaigns
- Automating your entire marketing and prospecting process
Drop us a line or check us out. We're always happy to help!